I keep telling Sam that I might have to quit my job for two weeks because I'm so into the Olympics. I don't think I have watched this much tv in years. The volleyball players are my favorite. I love the way they play the game. Misty May is such a good digger yet she can hit the ball harder than anyone I've ever seen. I'm embarrassed to say I look rediculous watching the games. I am one that is starting to yell and pretend i'm helping while i'm on the couch. Way to go USA.
All I can truly say is Michael Phelps is the most amazing person. I love his story. Its amazing what he has been able to accomplish. It's hard to not notice but he has the most amazing body on anyone i've ever seen. I think he even gives David Beckham a run for his money. I love that he was able to hit all of his goals and bring home the gold for the USA!!