Saturday, March 7, 2009

Sam's Bday

Sam turned 38 on February 20th (ya I know i'm a little late). Usually when it's a parents bday in our family you end up getting presents that all the kids wanted. Sam sure is a trooper. As you can see he got a few tools to put in his shop. I love the bday cakes the twins make. I think its 2/3 frosting and 1/3 cake.

Friday, March 6, 2009


I have been so horrible with this blog. I'm averaging about one post a month and thats pretty sad. Hopefully after I have my baby I will have a little more to blog about. Speaking of baby, this is a whole new adventure for me. Its kinda crazy to thing some little guy is growing inside you.....until you feel them kick so hard it takes your breath away. Pregnancy is going good (minus the heartburn) but how can you complain? I have another ultra sound next week and I will post more pictures. In the meanwhile, Sam told me he was flying kites with the kids out in a field by our house the other day. I was so proud of him until I drove by and saw that he was CHEATING. He had the kids all piled in the Rhino and was driving fast so the kite would fly. What did we do before we had toys?